By: Nanya Jhingran
ho bisogno di niente
for every quarter salvaged from the backs of drawers -Â
hands rummaging in search, unaided by sight
pricked     now by stray needle,Â
             now by edges of unpaid bills
spare me a thought.
i, who sit ruler over these piles of unwashed dishes
making stew from scraps of yesterday’s dinner
do not wince!Â
           in my land, these count for riches
cuisine fashioned from the spoils of our own neglect
In Tuscany to wish you luck they sayÂ
in bocca al lupo!
in the mouth of the wolf Â
in the mouth of the wolf your ambitions and mine
would prove a worthy feast
Nanya Jhingran is in Seattle by way of Lucknow, India where she is working on a PhD in Literature at the University of Washington. She is dedicated to mining, curating, and honoring those words and desires that are deemed disposable, unworthy, by colonialism and capitalism.