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C.N.P Poetry 

Writer's pictureCathexis Northwest Press

Discourse on Chopin’s Nocturnes

By: Andrew Field

The skeleton plays the keys, and they rearrange themselves

like stars across the planet, to play themselves, each and every single one

totally, individually, together and apart, free and alone.

Each key is its own chorus, and when they combine and mix together

there is an orchestration of color, the color of sound,

the sound of color.  The soul plucks up and responds,

and the song repeats itself, now, and here, again,

but in a new way, so that variation reveals a law 

that I want to understand, something about the difference

in sameness, sameness in difference.


Andrew Field is a poet and librarian. He has published book reviews at The Rumpus and Jerry Magazine, essays about poetry at The The Poetry Blog, The California Journal of Poetis, B O D Y Literature, and Empty Mirror, and poetry at The Ocean State Review and Mantis. In August of 2016, his chapbook " All I Want" was published by Red Flag Poetry.

"This poem is a part of a series of poems, in a larger manuscript that I am sending out. I am calling this particular series/section "Discourses." The "Discourses" are my way of writing poems that are meditative and philosophical. I write discourses on Alain Locke, Heidegger, Van Gogh, Mark Rothko, William Bronk, Wallace Stevens, and Ingmar Bergman, as well as one on the lyric and one on inspiration. While I have a hard time reading philosophy, I still feel like many of philosophy's questions, especially in metaphysics and phenomenology, are fascinating, and therefore I try to incorporate these wonder-inducing questions and directions in my poems."


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